Christina X Ji


I am finishing my PhD in computer science at MIT this summer and actively seeking a full-time industry job starting September 2024. My research is in machine learning for healthcare. I completed my MEng and BS in computer science at MIT in 2019. Resume


I use machine learning, causal inference, and statistics to tackle clinical questions. Some projects include:


I had the opportunity to explore different kinds of problems:


I am passionate about teaching:

I am honored to have received the following teaching and mentoring awards:

Community service

I also care about building a welcoming community. To help incoming students find their place at MIT:


Seq-to-final: a benchmark for tuning from sequential distributions to a final time point.
Christina X Ji, Ahmed M Alaa, and David Sontag.
Under review. 2024.
[paper] [code]

Assessing variation in first-line type 2 diabetes treatment across eGFR levels and providers.
Christina X Ji, Saul Blecker, Michael Oberst, Ming-Chieh Shih, Leora Horwitz, and David Sontag.
Manuscript under preparation. 2024.

Large-scale study of temporal shift in health insurance claims.
Christina X Ji, Ahmed M Alaa, and David Sontag.
Oral spotlight at Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (CHIL) 2023.
[paper] [poster] [video] [code]

Finding regions of heterogeneity in decision-making via expected conditional covariance.
Justin Lim*, Christina X Ji*, Michael Oberst*, Saul Blecker, Leora Horwitz, and David Sontag. *equal contribution
Neural information processing systems (NeurIPS) 2021.
[paper] [poster] [video] [code]

Trajectory inspection: a method for iterative clinician-driven design of reinforcement learning studies.
Christina X Ji*, Michael Oberst*, Sanjat Kanjilal, and David Sontag. *equal contribution
American medical informatics association (AMIA) 2021 virtual informatics summit.
[paper] [video] [code]

Modeling progression of Parkinson's disease.
MEng thesis. 2019.
[thesis] [code]

